Celenia’s vaccination story
When my daughter was born, it changed everything. As a mom I just wanted to make sure I was doing what was best for her.
When my daughter was born, it changed everything. As a mom, I just wanted to make sure I was doing what was best for her.
There were so many decisions to make for her and lots of information out there to work through, especially about vaccines.
And after hearing different opinions and stories from friends, family, colleagues, and other parents, I was a little hesitant about vaccinating my daughter.
What about immediate vaccine side effects? What if I give my daughter a vaccine and she has side effects later in life?
I did my own research online and then my husband and I sat down with our daughter’s doctor to discuss the information I found. We trusted her doctor to guide us through questions about vaccine side effects, and other concerns we had.
After that conversation, I really started to gain confidence in vaccines.
Right around this time, I heard about an outbreak of a disease that was largely considered to no longer pose a risk to children. This really worried me.
What if this happened where we live? These vaccinations help protect my daughter from outbreaks like this.
Looking back on it now, I’m glad we went ahead with vaccinating our daughter on schedule. Today, she’s a happy and healthy twelve-year-old girl.
We made an informed decision with the help of health care professionals who we trusted. I think we did what was best for our daughter and our family.
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Wife and mother to 3, office manager who does it all, lover of music